Considering Doing Business With The Government or Armed Services? You Probably Need Our Help!
Helping businesses first understand the rules, regulations and red tape of a vast bureaucracy is what we do. Having decades of experience dealing with government procurement standards and processes enables us to help you get to the end of the processing more efficiently and effectively. We help you save money before you even engage in the business and profits that you hope to attain. It takes this special knowledge, experience and relationships that we have diligently cultivated over the years and are prepared to use to benefit your marketing objectives.
Our track record is transparent and impeccable as noted in our contracts with the United States Department of the Army, The Center for Disease Control and the United States Corp of Engineers to name a few. Outsourcing help with bids, proposals and relationships has been a proven method of effectively producing the desired results by Fortune 500 companies for many years. We have the expertise and the desire to serve you and the goals you set to achieve. Explore the opportunities that RNCS can and will deliver for you.
We also deliver top quality programs that are not only rich in content but offer Continuing Education Credits. This qualitative measurement assures both your company and employees the tools we provide are practical, resourceful and will yield the best results. It culminates intensive training with a reward of recognition appreciated by all.
Explore all the services we provide which include: