NCMA Chapters- Set up a CFCM Study Cram Session
Does your Chapter have members who want to sit for the CFCM exam but can’t afford to go to World Congress?
Why not host a cram session and provide for the test for your chapter.
We can organize a 1 or 2 day CFCM study session to prepare you for the exam, then your chapter can schedule to host the test at your site.
Contact us at [email protected]

Baccalaureate degree from a regionally or Distance Education Training Council (DETC) accredited college or university. Degrees from outside the U.S. must be evaluated by an independent third party such as World Education Services or Foreign Credits. Continuing Professional Education. Minimum of 80 hours of contract management or related subjects. Experience. Minimum of 1 year of experience in CM or a related field.
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