Donec luctus facilisis lorem, eu varius neque tincidunt in. Donec a mi purus. Maecenas ac aliquet lorem. Nunc pharetra lobortis ligula quis vehicula. Donec convallis auctor dictum. Donec congue scelerisque vehicula. Vestibulum consequat adipiscing est sagittis rutrum. Donec sodales auctor nunc eget scelerisque.
I attended a small business conference yesterday sponsored by the American Small Business Chamber of Commerce and the U.S Women's Chamber of Commerce. One of the takeaways from that conference was that the Agencies of the Federal Government are not meeting their goals in particularly 2 areas. HUB ZONE and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses.
No matter what you sell talk to your contacts and let them know if you qualify for one of the above or any of the other socio-economic categories.